The Mission

The Mission artist-in-residence program aims to share

a unique setting with artists where they can

contemplate and find new approaches to their work in

response to its site.  The Mission is available for stays

of up to 3 weeks.  Consideration is given to select

cultural producers with diverse practices, though those

with a sculptural foundation to their practice are

favored.  During this initial period of establishing our

program, selection is on an invitation only basis,

although we welcome introductions from artists who

wish to make us aware of their interest in this program.

The Mission welcomed Helene Edgren as a summer

resident in June, 2013.  As part of her residency she

was invited to contribute a new piece to the sculpture park.  Helene Edgren is a Swedish artist who lives and works in Arlöv. Her practice includes a variety of techniques and forms that hae recurrent themes of power,

self-control, the individual's relationship to nature and

humanity's dark side; she is interested in how these

manifest in various ways.


Edgren earned her MFA from the Malmö Art Academy in

2006.  Her work has been exhibited at Galleri Thomas

Wallner in Malmö, Ystad Konstmuseum, Galleri Signal in

Malmö, Galleri Ping-Pong in Malmö, Galleri 5 in Lund,

Galleri Mors Mössa in Göteborg and the 2005 Istanbul

Biennial.  Edgren was awarded the Höga Kusten Cultural

Award in 2009 and Malmö City’s Cultural Award in 2008

and is represented in collections of Statens Konstråd and

Region Skåne.

The Mission welcomed Leif Holmstrand as its first resident

artist in March, 2013.  Leif Holmstrand is a Swedish writer,

musician, and artist who lives and works in Malmö.  He

takes a malicious queer approach to language and

humanity. Monster bodies and monster identities run

through masculine and feminine gender coded gear,

images, and clothing which hurl themselves out from every

perceptive organ into your world. Psychosis experience

goes hand-in-hand with portrayed dreams of multi-

transsexual bodies, of multi-gendered body-free beings,

of you.

Holmstrand earned his MFA from the Malmö Art Academy

in 2002.  Recently Holmstrand has had solo shows at

House of Foundation in Moss, Galleri Thomas Wallner in

Simris, and Lars Olsen Gallery in Copenhagen.  His work

has been included in exhibitions at Moderna Museet in

Stockholm, 1A Space in Hong Kong, Vestfossen

Kunstlaboratorium, Bonniers Konstall in Stockholm, Ystads

Konstmuseum, Malmö Konsthall, Trondheim Kunstmuseum,

Gävle Konstcentrum.  His first novel, Tjuvklyftan (The Thief's

Cleft), was published this year to wide acclaim, joining his

four celebrated books of poetry.

Please find out more about his work at:

Before there was a name for our artist-in-residence program

we welcomed artist Trygve Luktvasslimo to utilize the space

in order to realize a monumental project of his.  The image below on the right is a production shot of his woven piece, Synthetic, which he produced in 2010.  The piece’s production required the entire width and length of the chapel.

Trygve Luktvasslimo is a Norwegian artist currently based in

Lisbon where he is a resident at The Barber Shop. His work is

inspired by the relationship between the metaphysics of the

domestic sphere and religious processes along with traditional

beliefs, associating social phenomena with the mythic qualities

of pop culture and religion. 

Luktvasslimo received his MFA in 2006 from the Malmö Art Academy. Luktvasslimo has presented his work in rum46, HAU1, Nikolaj Kunsthal, Galleri Signal, and ps122. He has participated in curated group exhibitions at Henie Onstad Art Centre, Tromsø Kunstforening, and Nordnorsk kunstnersenter.  In 2013 Luktvasslimo released his first book Primitive rim (Primitive Rhymes). For further information please visit:

ABOUT                                    PROJECTS                                        SCULPTURE PARK                                    THE MISSION - A.I.R..


Artist:    Leif Holmstrand                      

                An improvised sculpture or performance prop,
                that Leif created during his stay.