Persbo Studio invites one artist a year to create a

sculpture in response to the surrounding environment.  The goal is to create a dynamic collection of permanent works that all have unique qualities and artistic expression which reflect contemporary art in Sweden and internationally.  Currently this project is funded with our own resources.

    Title: At the Gate

    Artist: Helene Edgren

    Medium: Wood, pine tar

    Dimensions: 300 cm x 210 cm

    Year: 2013

    At the Gate, is a wooden sculpture that takes its inspiration from

    a woodcut print in the 1511 edition of Malleus Maleficarum

    (Hammer of the Witches in English), a book written by a German

    clergyman that aims to prove that witchcraft exists, along with

    the procedures for its discovery and punishment.

    The woodcut depicts a gate to hell in the form of a demon’s

    gaping mouth, beyond which are trapped and tormented souls. 

    The image describes what believers feared would happen if they

    failed to live a righteous Christian life, a belief that also

    functioned as an effective means of control. 

    The piece, At the Gate, is fence-like structure that

    metaphorically separates one state from another, it is a

    boundary that is not meant to be physically crossed.  Once the

    threshold is passed over there is no going back, the

    consequences bring about a fundamental change that

    permanently affects your perspective and how others perceive


    At the Gate, is set just within the border of the forest and acts

    as a symbolic portal for visitors to walk through and enter the

    nature that lies just beyond it.


    Incidentally, the title At the Gate, is a nod to the Swedish

    death-metal band At the Gates, which unfortunately no longer


    Helene Edgren is a Swedish artist who lives and works in Arlöv.

    Edgren’s practice engages with the relationship between the

    individual and nature, where nature, above all, is a metaphor for

    our drives and desires.  How strong is human nature’s

    compulsion, how much control do we have over our actions?

    The problematic concepts of good and evil are an ever present

    part of the topic of our nature which is muddled by human

    complexities that constantly provide new gray areas between

    these stark divisions.

    Edgren earned her MFA from the Malmö Art Academy in 2006.

    Her work has been exhibited at Galleri Thomas Wallner in

    Malmö, Ystad Konstmuseum, Galleri Signal in Malmö, Galleri

    Ping-Pong in Malmö, Galleri 5 in Lund, Galleri Mors Mössa in

    Göteborg and the 2005 Istanbul Biennial.  Edgren was awarded

    the Höga Kusten Cultural Award in 2009 and Malmö City’s

    Cultural Award in 2008 and is represented in collections of

    Statens Konstråd and Region Skåne.

    Title: †33T

    Artist: Trygve Luktvasslimo

    Medium: Diabase

    Dimensions: 200 cm x 60 cm

    Year: 2011

    The title †33T alludes to the numerological connection between

    the artist recently turning 33 and that being the same age that

    Jesus died.  The engraving on the sculpture translated from

    Swedish to English reads, “Lead me to a rock that is higher than

    I."  The quote comes from Psalm 61:2 of the New Testament.  It

    also happens to be a favorite of Oprah Winfrey.

    This piece was a component of a dense and ambitious project    

    where Luktvasslimo set the occult within navel-gazing pop

    culture in relation to individual perceptions.

    †33T materializes the baseless argument and exposes us and

    the artist to the rhetoric of mainstream media and contemporary    

    culture.  The project takes on an authoritarian voice which

    speaks in tongues; echoes in the chapel; exhausts, motivates

    and questions the freedom of choice of the common man.         

    Luktvasslimo reevaluates trivial gestures and articulates them

    with monumental reverberations.  †33T does not condemn

    manipulation, it allows us to balance on the border between it

    and proselytization.

    Trygve Luktvasslimo is a Norwegian artist who lives and works

    in both Lisbon and Mosjøen, Norway. His work is inspired by

    the relationship between the metaphysics of the domestic

    sphere and religious processes along with traditional beliefs,

    associating social phenomena with the mythic qualities of pop

    culture and religion. For further information about the artist

    please visit his website:

    This sculpture holds the honor of being the first work in the

    collection of the sculpture park.

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