
Title: †33T

Artist: Trygve Luktvasslimo

†33T is a project specifically created for Persbo Studio.  This

umbrella title includes three components: a performance in the

chapel, an installation of drawings in the barn, and a permanent

sculpture which inaugurated the sculpture park.

The title †33T alludes to the numerological connection between

the artist recently turning †33T and that being the same age that

Jesus died.

Luktvasslimo sets the occult within navel-gazing pop culture in

relation to individual perceptions. †33T materializes the baseless

argument and exposes us and the artist to the rhetoric of

mainstream media and contemporary culture.  The project takes

on an authoritarian voice which speaks in tongues; echoes in the

chapel; exhausts, motivates and questions the freedom of

choice of the common man.  Luktvasslimo reevaluates trivial

gestures and articulates them with monumental reverberations. 

†33T does not condemn manipulation, it allows us to balance on

the border between it and proselytization.

We wish to thank Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond in
Norway, which has generously supported this project.

ABOUT                                    PROJECTS                                        SCULPTURE PARK                                    THE MISSION - A.I.R..